29th October

…Pseudowintera colorata Pseudowintera colorata Pseudowintera colorata ‘Red Glow’ – different again. Pseudowintera colorata ‘Red Glow’ Pseudowintera colorata ‘Red Glow’ Pseudowintera colorata ‘Moulin Rouge’ – some way between all of them….

6th March

…cold and now exhibit fantastic red blotching. What a wonderful plant for the aftermath of a cold spell. Pseudowintera colorata Pseudowintera colorata The large clump of Romeya coulteri outside the…

2nd August

…Podocarpus matudae covered in seed heads. Podocarpus matudae Aesculus parviflora full out. Aesculus parviflora Cherry fruits forming on Prunus padus ‘Colorata’. Expect them to drop before they ripen and turn…