2024 – CHW
Back in Cornwall to find a second clutch of swallows nearly ready to fledge in the stable.

Pseudopanax adiantifolius flowering properly for the first time here.
A good cut back of the Hydrangeas near the 4-in-Hand and the brambles in these clumps go too.
The Aucuba also gets a haircut.
As do the Magnolias below the lawn.
Eucryphia cordifolia is always a week or two behind all the other Eucryphias.
Lots of decent secondary flowers on Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’.
Myrcia laruotteana var. paraguayensis has grown exceptionally quickly since it was planted in 2019. Plastered in flower today and already 12 feet tall.

Pseudopanax ‘Moa’s Toes’ has, by comparison, grown slowly.
2023 – CHW
Unusual coloured gladioli in The Cottage in Yorkshire.
Unusual coloured gladioli in The Cottage in Yorkshire.
This is rather more like it for August.
Even the tea towels enlighten.
Peacock butterflies on a Buddleja davidii ‘Empire Blue’.
The commemorative planting of Quercus robur ‘Fastigiata’ growing away well.
Well-developed trunk on Nothofagus antarctica.
2022 – CHW
A yellowish berried form of Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) growing beside leather moorland on top of a hill.

Next to it a more conventionally coloured red berried Rowan tree with twigs bent over with the weight of the berries.
On lower ground an even more laden tree.
2021 – CHW
Scarborough lilies now out in flower at The Cottage. Cyrtanthus elatus is a deciduous perennial from South Africa which is suitable for growing on a windowsill but not outdoors.
Scarborough lilies now out in flower at The Cottage. Cyrtanthus elatus is a deciduous perennial from South Africa which is suitable for growing on a windowsill but not outdoors.
2020 – CHW
A few things looking excellent in the nursery today:
Liriope muscari
Digitalis ‘Goldcrest’
Sedum ‘Red Cauli’
Chitalpa tashkentensis
Tibouchina orangensis with splendidly huge flowers.
Cercis glabra has developed leaves with intricate purple-red veining.
Senna corymbosa full out.
A single secondary flower on Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’.
2019 – CHW
A helicopter traverses the electricity lines near the castle after heavy rainstorms checking for breaks. There was a blackout just before we left for The Cottage in Yorkshire and many others through the country in the last week due to grid failure.
A helicopter traverses the electricity lines near the castle after heavy rainstorms checking for breaks. There was a blackout just before we left for The Cottage in Yorkshire and many others through the country in the last week due to grid failure.
2018 – CHW
Head Gardener Jaimie has been keeping up with the daily diary while I have been away in the north.Another wander in Old Park. Tail end flower of Magnolia sieboldii ‘Michiko Range’ seedling.
Head Gardener Jaimie has been keeping up with the daily diary while I have been away in the north.Another wander in Old Park. Tail end flower of Magnolia sieboldii ‘Michiko Range’ seedling.
Odd seed on the later flowering magnolias. There is not much seed around on the magnolias at all this season after the snow in February/March.
Magnolia ‘Apollo’ showing a couple of late flowers. I would imagine they will first drop off rather than open.
Plague of flies in the bracken. Spiders/wildlife being well fed by them I would imagine.
2016 – CHW
No entry.
2015 – CHW
A jolly day out at The Oval watching Australia take a commanding first day lead in a ‘free’ food and drink bar in the new stand. Guests of a director of Surrey cricket club.