19th January

FJ Williams Profile Picture
FJW 1955-2007
CH Williams Profile Picture
CHW 2015-
JC Williams Profile Picture
JCW 1897-1939
C Williams Profile Picture
CW 1940-1955

2025 – CHW

A young plant of Rhododendron ‘Winter Interlude’ just out.

Rhododendron ‘Winter Interlude’
Rhododendron ‘Winter Interlude’
A single early flower on Rhododendron ‘Bo Peep’ (Yellow form) on the drive.
Rhododendron ‘Bo Peep’ (Yellow form)
Rhododendron ‘Bo Peep’ (Yellow form)
A young and still flowerless Polyspora speciosa above the Hovel.
Polyspora speciosa
Polyspora speciosa
Polyspora speciosa
Polyspora speciosa
Pseudotaxus chienii above the Hovel.
Pseudotaxus chienii
Pseudotaxus chienii

2024 – CHW

The ground is frozen solid – about -5°c overnight and no thawing today.

The elderly Rhododendron mucronulatum is finally full out in time to almost get frosted. This is definitely late into flower this year despite odd flowers a few weeks ago.

Rhododendron mucronulatum
Rhododendron mucronulatum
Rhododendron mucronulatum
Rhododendron mucronulatum
The big clump of snowdrops above Bond Street are still not full out despite the cold snap. Probably our best clump.
Below 4-in-Hand yet more Aucuba dies from (so we are told) its own peculiar strain of Phytophthora.
Aucuba dies
Aucuba dies
A worrying fissure in the trunk of this snake bark maple. I fear it will turn into a bleeding cancer and the death of this tree as we have seen in so many others over the years.
worrying fissure in the trunk of this snake bark maple
worrying fissure in the trunk of this snake bark maple
As mature snake bark maples go this is one of the very best. This is Acer davidii ‘Karmen’ planted in 2007. One below 4-in-Hand and one below the main Fernery. I don’t see it in the 2024 Burncoose catalogue.
snake bark maples
snake bark maples
snake bark maples
snake bark maples
snake bark maples
snake bark maples

2023 – CHW

Trachycarpus wagnerianus putting on a good crop of new leaves after it got blown over last year and uprighted with a stake. The bare roots were also dug in on one side.

Trachycarpus wagnerianus
Trachycarpus wagnerianus
The ideal place for Tom Hudson’s Rhododendron kyawii.
Rhododendron kyawii
Rhododendron kyawii
Reversion in the white variegated form of Hoheria populnea by George’s Hut.
Hoheria populnea
Hoheria populnea
Camellia japonica ‘Mary Costa’ at its absolute best.
Camellia japonica ‘Mary Costa’
Camellia japonica ‘Mary Costa’
Camellia japonica ‘Mary Costa’
Camellia japonica ‘Mary Costa’
Camellia japonica ‘Mary Costa’
Camellia japonica ‘Mary Costa’
Ripe berries on Ilex kingiana. Normally we see those a bit later in the year.
Ilex kingiana
Ilex kingiana

2022 – CHW
Fuchsia excorticata out in flower or nearly so as usual.

Fuchsia excorticata
Fuchsia excorticata
Fuchsia excorticata
Fuchsia excorticata
A fallen sycamore below Donkey Shoe.
The end of an old clump of Rhododendron barbatum in the Ririei Opening.
Rhododendron barbatum
Rhododendron barbatum
A rather younger Rhododendron barbatum with its wonderful bark.
Rhododendron barbatum
Rhododendron barbatum
Rhododendron barbatum
Rhododendron barbatum
Camellia x williamsii ‘Debbie’
Camellia x williamsii ‘Debbie’
Camellia x williamsii ‘Debbie’
Camellia x williamsii ‘Debbie’
Camellia x williamsii ‘ Monica Dance’
Camellia x williamsii ‘ Monica Dance’
And Camellia ‘The Czar’.
Camellia ‘The Czar’
Camellia ‘The Czar’

2021 – CHW
The random Camellia saluenensis/sasanqua seedling which I found on 17th January looks very similar to the camellia I saw at Trewithen on 20th February 2018. Two pictures of the Trewithen plant called Camellia saluenensis ‘Isadora’ are repeated here. This was named and registered after one of Sam Galsworthy’s children although, like ours, simply a chance seedling originally. Both seem well worth a name or perhaps it is close enough to ‘Isadora’ to be called that too?

Camellia saluenensis ‘Isadora’
Camellia saluenensis ‘Isadora’
Camellia saluenensis ‘Isadora’
Camellia saluenensis ‘Isadora’
I then wrote to Gary Long, head gardener at Trewithen, and here is his reply in full:From: Gary Long [mailto:gary@trewithengardens.co.uk]
Sent: 20 January 2021 10:55
To: Charles Williams PA
Subject: RE: Camellia saluenensis ‘Isadora’
Morning CharlesWe were just saying the other day how your prediction, during our visit last spring, you stating that this will be the last time we would all gather for a while came so true!C.’Isadora’ has yellow stamens. We have seedlings with the red stamens that we have tentatively, not registered, called C.’Rafe’ (we need to find an “Eddie” next for a full family!). Yours looks different enough not to be ‘Isadora’.See you “virtually” at the great gardens meeting.RegardsGaryGary LongHead of Trewithen Gardens and Parks
TR2 4DDInternational Camellia Society, DirectorGardens and Parks office: 01726 883750
Estate Office: 01726 883647
Mobile: 07743 470945
Email: gary@trewithengardens.co.ukwww.trewithengardens.co.uk
www.linkedin.com/in/gary-long-b0054749/I am not sure that I agree with Gary just yet but need to take more photographs of our plant.Then to Burncoose where I could not resist a few more close up pictures of Hamamelis as most start to go over in a tunnel.
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Aurora’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Aurora’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Aurora’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Aphrodite’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Aphrodite’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Aphrodite’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Feuerzauber’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Feuerzauber’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Feuerzauber’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Jelena’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’
Hamamelis japonica ‘Brentry’
Hamamelis japonica ‘Brentry’
Hamamelis japonica ‘Brentry’
Hamamelis japonica ‘Brentry’
Hamamelis japonica ‘Brentry’
The new multi span tunnel is going up fast but, typically, Northern Polytunnels have not supplied all the bits.
multi span tunnel
multi span tunnel
George Williams’ plant boxes ready for a big despatch.
plant boxes
plant boxes
The messy site for a supplementary water tank.
messy site
messy site
And an equally messy borehole pump house which is being replaced.
pump house
pump house
The cycad seed has split still further.
cycad seed
cycad seed
Clivia miniata full out in the tearooms.
Clivia miniata
Clivia miniata
Sarcococca hookeriana ‘Winter Gem’ is a new one for the 2021 Burncoose catalogue. Here just coming out. The flower “buds” are dark red but will open white eventually.
Sarcococca hookeriana ‘Winter Gem’
Sarcococca hookeriana ‘Winter Gem’
Sarcococca hookeriana ‘Winter Gem’
Sarcococca hookeriana ‘Winter Gem’