2024 – CHW
Diospyros kaki as good as I have seen it in Kennel Close.

– After much research I am still not at all sure of the identity of this first one due to the colour change.
– Golden scalycap – Pholiota aurivella – perhaps?
2023 – CHW
Acer tsinglingense just starting to colour up.
Further perambulations with Susyn and Brian. The last few tail end flowers on an ancient Rhododendron decorum.
A drab drizzly afternoon to start our programme of autumn planting.
Still plenty of colour in the borders around the house.Pink nerine by the dining room. We saw whiter forms flowering here earlier.
Repairs going ahead well on re-bedding in the slate slabs on the top wall and using lead capping to prevent water ingress between the buttresses and the wall. The buttresses were rebuilt last summer. About another 80 yards still to go but I doubt that the budget will stretch to completion of it all this year.
A warm day at Burncoose on Tuesday.The climbing Senecio confusus in flower for the first time in the nursery and quite startling.
Ripe yellowish orange berries now on Pourthiaea beauverdiana var. notabilis.
The formal registration certificate for Rhododendron ‘Red Centurion’ has just come through. One of my father’s hybrids which we have registered to commemorate the centenary of the RHS Rhododendron, Camellia & Magnolia Group.

2015 – CHW
Few people ever venture along Sinogrande Walk to the largest (of the two) tree fern quarries where some 25 mature Dicksonia antarctica nestle in the quarry well protected from most winds and happily self ‘seeding’ up the banks. One tree fern is simply attached to the damp rock face and its trunk or roots have no contact with the soil at all. It derives all its nutrients and moisture from the damp rock face itself. This would be almost impossible to believe if you did not have the actual evidence in front of you. Now a mature and well established plant.
2002 – FJW
Sasanqua just coming – first to flower Pink by side door then A G white.
1933 – JCW
Mag delavayi decorum is good and so is neriiflorum. Heavy rain.
1929 – JCW
Hoheria on the terrace is the best thing with the cyclamen. Fuchsias are good and worth more care. Lapagerias are fair. No planting yet the ground has been so dry.
1927 – JCW
Decorum, Royleii, Neriiflorum well out. Several bits of the Impeditum set. A good Maddeni hybrid in the New Planting. Hydrangeas very good indeed.
1925 – JCW
Some Decorums (Delavayi’s) open and Haematodes and bits of other things. Far the most brilliant plants are the Enkianthus japonicas. Some Sasanqua’s open.
1919 – JCW
The first Sasanqua is open. The hydrangeas are very nice. There are some fair roses, one heath is open but there is not much in flower otherwise.
1910 – JCW
Cyclamen and hydrangea are going over. Some Camellia sasanqua coming out, some roses opening. Solanum is good. Some daffs are up.
1902 – JCW
I saw the first C coum open.