Tregrehan Gardens Visit – 15th March 2019

back to 17th March. The highlights of the visit to Tregrehan on Friday. Seedling from Camellia reticulata ‘Nuccios Ruby’ Edgeworthia chrysantha growing in open woodland Sarcocca wallichii with huge black

27th August

…good crop of eventually black seeds. Ligustrum confusum 2021 – CHW A nursery visit to check how the improvements were progressing there.Berry in full colour on Sorbus hupehensis already in…

19th July

…Hydrangea ‘Joseph Banks’ A new side roof on the side of the Blacksmith’s Shop. Storm Eunice damage to the scantle slate that was there in February. new side roof on…

31st August

…already but covered in fruit. Sorbus gonggashanica Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x M. ‘Pickard’s Ruby’. Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ x M. ‘Pickard’s Ruby’ Sorbus wardii with not many berries this year and…

15th September

…eating the ripe juicy blue-black berries on Cornus controversa. Cornus controversa A rather better flower now on Hedychium spicatum ‘Liberty’ (BWJ 8116). Last week’s picture did not do it justice….

17th February

…Prunus conradinae Although it is nearly dusk Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ is just showing colour on two buds at the apex of the small tree. Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’ Magnolia ‘Plum Pudding’…

11th January

black and ripe as yet. One for Asia to collect. Schefflera aff. myriocarpa Schefflera delavayi 2020 – CHW Some interesting white fungi on a dead scots pine. fungi fungi Nearby…

25th February

…today. Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’ Magnolia campbellii ‘Darjeeling’ Magnolia ‘Anne Leitner’ (‘Black Tulip’ x Magnolia ‘J C Williams’) – just coming out. Magnolia ‘Anne Leitner’…

10th September

…few seed ripening on the elderly Enkianthus cernuus rubens. Enkianthus cernuus rubens More flowers on another Magnolia ‘Black Tulip’. A little paler than the proper ones in spring? Magnolia ‘Black

13th September

…than last year but they are not yet juicy, black and ripe. Symplocos aff. sumuntia The last (poor) flower on Clethra kaipoensis. Clethra kaipoensis 2020 – CHW Frankie and his…