12th August
…hypoleuca After the rain this cut back clump of Rhododendron ‘Crossbill’ are now doing well. Rhododendron ‘Crossbill’ Lush green growth where, a month ago, there was merely brown dead grass….
…hypoleuca After the rain this cut back clump of Rhododendron ‘Crossbill’ are now doing well. Rhododendron ‘Crossbill’ Lush green growth where, a month ago, there was merely brown dead grass….
…‘Fairy Blush’ Camellia campetre ‘Fairy Blush’ Rhododendron ‘Crossbill’ now half out. Rhododendron ‘Crossbill’ Rhododendron ‘Bo-Peep Yellow’ splendid in the sun a fortnight after it first showed. Rhododendron ‘Bo-Peep Yellow’ Rhododendron…
…nothing yet on Rhododendron ‘Ostara’ or Rhododendron ‘Crossbill’ which I would have expected to be out by now. Rhododendron ‘Bo Peep’ Rhododendron ‘Bo Peep’ Two scented rhododendrons in adjoining clumps…
…Humming Bird, Crassum – 2 Camellias by tree ferns, one up by Crossbill – Aberconwayii, 3 Camellias, Mag and Auk hybrids, H cinnarbar hybrids, Golden Oriole 1 and 2, Trewithen…
…Williams full out but C noblissima very late. Colour on G.B’s campbellii. 1958 – FJW Crossbill coming. Well out are Rhodo praecox, ciliatums, irroratum, arboreums, 2 G. Oriole. Prunus pissardi…
…and Rookery Blood Red Arboreum also many Sutchuenense. Some Lutescens good, also Ririei, Hookeri and others. Even one bit of Augustinii. Mrs Butlers and Blood Reds good, some Crossbill well…