19th November

…R decorum yet has flowers. Mucronulatum has a plant or two well out. Erica codonodes and darleyense show flower and so does Bob’s heath here and at Werrington, it is…

7th February

…with colour open in Tin Garden. Cam reticulata species out, also hybrids and Lady Clare. Several Blood Red x Rhododendron arboreum – also Moupinense very good. Heath darleyensis v g….

16th November

…just starting to come out as a light pink. Is this one of the Lanarth bred hybrids by P D Williams? Perhaps ‘St Keverne’. By heather standards it has already…

10th November

…‘Little Heath’ has flowers nearly out. Pieris A view across the top lake. top lake Phyllostachys edulis as a young plant in the new bamboo plantation. Phyllostachys edulis Thamnocalamus crassinodus…

6th April

…all good. The red and white Auklandii types never so good. Bob’s heath in flower and has been for a month or more. 1916 – JCW Just as the above…

7th April

…and the best daffs are all over. The blue tit forms are good. The pink Triflorums are opening. Bob’s white heath is and has long been good. 1927 – JCW…

31st December

…1958 – FJW Very wet year. 40 year old rain record broken easily. Garden very much behind. 1945 – CW Sent off to Munroes both white heath and Darleyense and…

31st March

…– are our best things. Corylopsis are all over. Bob’s heath never so good. 1925 – JCW No bloom on Rho planetum. Not so far on as in 1923. 1923…

27th December

…Intruder’ has shed its flowers in Storm Bella. Rhododendron ‘Winter Intruder’ The mass of heather at the Four in Hand is just out. White in bud opening pale pink. I…

22nd March

…red or white, few buds and most of them frosted. 1921 – JCW The Auklandii x White Arboreum are good. The red Auklandii wanes. The heath Erica darleyense fades. Rho…