28th February

…true Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ true Magnolia ‘Lanarth’ A smashing display of wild Cyclamen coum above the gents’ loo. wild Cyclamen coum And the first coloured primrose which was once a cross…

27th January

…x Thompsonii now in flower. Bobs heath is very nice. Leucojum vernum, C coum, wild snowdrops and Aconites open also Camellia speciosa. 1921 – JCW Rhodoⁿ species showing colour about…

15th November

…a coum or two. 1908 – JCW Iris stylosa good, C sasanqua fair. P megasoefolia late hardly a flower. Cassia good. Heaths have just begun. No coum yet. C neopolitanum…

26th December

…of roses, lapageria, and coums. Erica hardly open, geraniums fair, wall flowers starting. 1906 – JCW Much as in 1905. Coums coming on. Cam sasanqua going over, has been very…

23rd December

…so good at Christmas. Some C sasanqua, some coums. Cynoglosum nice. Rho lutescens opening. Picked the first Thomsonii x 3 days ago. 1910 – JCW Not much frost yet. Cam…

3rd October

…information awaited. fungus Gaultheria mucronata ‘Bell’s Seedling’ looking plump and attractive in the nursery. Gaultheria mucronata ‘Bell’s Seedling’ Cyclamen coum with very varied leaf forms. Cyclamen coum Cyclamen hederifolium has…

28th December

…Hamamelis mollis ‘Pallida’ – large sized plants Hamamelis mollis ‘Pallida’ – large sized plants Hamamelis mollis ‘Pallida’ – large sized plants Cyclamen coum nicely out. A darker form than the…

7th January

…sasangua over, Coums are late, mucronulatum good, lutescens fair, Erica hybrida fair. 1924 – JCW Rather behind 1922, Coums are starting but most things are a fortnight later. 1922 –…

21st January

…Room, others show colour. N calathinus one or two, a few Aconites, a nice lot of coums, a few of the Ericas. 1906 – JCW Yellow crocus open some time,…

20th January

…1913 – JCW Only one or two Camellias open, C coum very nice, just an Aconite or two, Snowdrops hardly showing. Clematis chrysocoma good even after the cold, a few…