15th July
…doubts? Stewartia serrata Stewartia serrata Melicytisus crassifolius is getting away nicely in full sun and a hot location. Melicytisus crassifolius I had forgotten that we grew Olearia nummularifolia which was…
…doubts? Stewartia serrata Stewartia serrata Melicytisus crassifolius is getting away nicely in full sun and a hot location. Melicytisus crassifolius I had forgotten that we grew Olearia nummularifolia which was…
…arrived in late July are still in full leaf. New Zealand acers New Zealand acers A fine crop of Pseudopanax ferox and Pseudopanax crassifolius from liners. Pseudopanax ferox Pseudopanax crassifolius…
…time. Much later than other species. Clethra pringlei Melicytus crassifolius now covered with white berries on the lower part of the shrub. Melicytus crassifolius Myrcia laurotteana var. paraguayensis with its…
…4557). Adinandra Another Melicytus crassifolius but this one has no white berries at all, as yet, unlike the other one a similar size growing in full sun. This one is…
…Cercidiphyllum japonicum ‘Pendulum’ Magnolia ‘Kalleberg’ full out. Magnolia ‘Kalleberg’ Magnolia ‘Kalleberg’ What may or may not be Melicytus crassifolius definitely does not have the ‘usual’ tiny yellow flowers as you…
…young new growth now unlike the other two younger ones. Quercus insignis A newly planted Melicytisus crassifolius. A New Zealander – semi-evergreen. Hilliers list five species and I think we…
…Alchemilla pectinatus with attractive dead seed heads. Alchemilla pectinatus Callicarpa kwangtungensis in full flower, as are all the other Callicarpa in the tunnels. Callicarpa kwangtungensis Melicytus crassifolius covered in blotched…
…Sunday I think that what we have growing as Schinus polygama is correctly named. I also think that Melicytus crassifolius is likely to be correctly named despite the shape of…