25th December

…still green and unripe. Lomatia ferruginea Acer laevigatum (FMWJ 13439) is a true evergreen. Acer laevigatum Rooks, crows and jackdaw droppings cover the fallen magnolia leaves under a large magnolia….

16th December

…‘J.C. Williams’ Hydrangea aspera ‘Robusta’ with leaves and flowers well frosted. Hydrangea aspera ‘Robusta’ Yet Magnolia dawsoniana still has green leaves. Magnolia dawsoniana Three days ago all the leaves on…

27th March

…An iconic Record Tree from an original Forrest collection. Jaimie said it was defoliating a month ago but now virtually leafless with just two flowers. The odd green shoot from…

24th December

…Nearby is Podocarpus totara ‘Aurea’ which I fear these pictures do not do justice to. A very visible yellow in the clearing above the greenhouse. Podocarpus totara ‘Aurea’ Podocarpus totara…

12th October

…the Schinus polygama growing above the greenhouse especially as regards the leaf shape and the lack of such pronounced spine tips. Bean says however that S. latifolius has larger leaves…

24th March

…The Fellows gathered on the lawn. The Fellows The Fellows at Tregothnan. The Fellows Magnolia ‘Milky Way’ on the Bowling Green at Tregothnan. Magnolia ‘Milky Way’ Magnolia ‘Milky Way’ Magnolia…

21st June

…the greenhouse. One split in half a year ago and four others threaten the new plantings here of Styrax and Stewartia. Ross has started to fell Rhododendron decorum – the…

21st December

…spicatum ‘Liberty’ (BWJ 8116). Hedychium spicatum ‘Liberty’ The last leaves hold on on the Magnolia dawsoniana outside the front fate. A week ago they were still green. Magnolia dawsoniana The…

19th June

…rose Euonymus tonkinensis flowering away in the greenhouse frames. Euonymus tonkinensis Euonymus wilsonii which is not that different in flower. Euonymus wilsonii Vaccinum retusum producing purplish fruits and ready to…

30th May

…this in the last 2 years. birdbath full of water 2023 – CHW To the greenhouses to look at the new acquisitions to plant out in the autumn and new…