11th June

…Kalmia latifolia ‘Ostbo Red’. Kalmia latifolia ‘Ostbo Red’ Kalmia latifolia f. fuscata. Kalmia latifolia f. fuscata Flower heads on Dipteronia sinensis. Dipteronia sinensis Viburnum parvifolium nicely in flower on Hovel…

21st January

…trench across the car park trench across the car park trench across the car park Camellia japonica ‘Scentsation’ is just out. Bred by Nuccio Nurseries in 1968: the scent is…

17th September

…have suddenly appeared in profusion. Pink and white forms. A timely cut. Cyclamen hederifolium Cyclamen hederifolium Hedychium greenii has not flowered this year. Hedychium greenii Entelia arborescens, the New Zealand…

19th September

…guess is we will end up paying a retired vicar to take our services and reduce our contributions to the MMF accordingly in the future. Others are clearly thinking on…

5th August

…flowering on Magnolia ‘Apollo’ – nearly the same colour as in late spring. Magnolia ‘Apollo’ 2020 – CHW Eucryphia glutinosa covered by Wisteria sinensis with secondary flowering. Eucryphia glutinosa covered

4th November

…CHW A huge Pinus insignis tree twists, turns, and falls at the Red Linney on the drive last night in the gale. Huge Pinus A Magnolia ‘Sayonara’ is shredded to…

6th November

…fallen beech. Major rot The dismembered trunk is removed. dismembered trunk Several years’ worth of jackdaws nests in a hole in the trunk. jackdaws nests 2022 – CHW Seed capsules…

21st December

…have bothered! Camellia sasanqua ‘Rosea Plena’ 2022 – CHW Red sky over Porthluney Cove. This picture was taken by Jaimie from his garden in Rescassa one evening last week during…

30th December

…the camellia foliage planting. Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’ First buds out on Paulownia tomentosa ‘Lilacina’. Paulownia tomentosa ‘Lilacina’ The first good red flower on a pure Camellia japonica. Camellia…

3rd May

…Rehmania henryii was a new species to enjoy. Rehmania henryii Rhododendron pentaphyllum or perhaps Rhododendron vaseyi? Rhododendron pentaphyllum Rhododendron pentaphyllum Redcurrants already forming. Redcurrants Redcurrants Blueberries in an enclosure. Blueberries…