10th July

…‘Azure Rush’ makes a huge clump. Geranium ‘Azure Rush’ Geranium ‘Azure Rush’ And set beside Sanguisorba hakusanensis ‘Lilac Squirrel’ – quite superb. Sanguisorba hakusanensis ‘Lilac Squirrel’ Olearia nummulariifolia in full…

20th July

…Indigofera heterantha The rare Exbucklandia populnea which I identified last year has grown on fairly well. Exbucklandia populnea Olearia paniculata growing well in a gap in the hedge. Olearia paniculata…

15th December

…Cornus capitata Trachycarpus wagnerianus showing up well in front of Olearia solandri. Trachycarpus wagnerianus Nearly all the leaf has fallen now on Styrax japonicus ‘Pendula’ with no decent show this…

13th June

Olearia at first. Another species to propagate for the catalogue which I suspect butterflies will like. Buddleia loricata Buddleia loricata Buddleia loricata The successful hunt for the pure white deciduous…