19th September

…spot of pink. You can easily see where all the paniculata hybrids have sprung from. Hydrangea paniculata Hydrangea paniculata I photographed this rhododendron in flower last year but still have…

25th January

…in flower, one Caerhays daff, some Aconites, Snowdrops are going back. P.D’s pink Azalea is v.g, Erica darleyense also. 1920 – JCW (Sunday afternoon) I was in the Beech Walk,…

23rd September

…japonicus ‘Evening Light’ Light pinkish secondary new growth on Rhododendron rhabdotum with the odd ripening seed head below it. Rhododendron rhabdotum Rhododendron rhabdotum 2018 – CHW Tiny cones forming on…

9th August

…very few. evidence of rabbits Ross has felled a dead sycamore above Burns Bank. dead sycamore Tom Hudson’s pink Magnolia delavayi. Magnolia delavayi Kitchen garden harrowed to remove more weeds…

15th July

…‘Caerhays Splendour’ The very late flowering pink form of Rhododendron ‘Royal Flush’. Quite a display for mid July! Rhododendron ‘Royal Flush’ Rhododendron ‘Royal Flush’ As is the Rhododendron nuttallii below…

11th December

…‘Touch of Pink’ to expand into the space. this will make a sheltered planting plot Another of our aerial layers on a branch which has died. Probably too low down…

29th October

…us in 2006. Sarcococca orientalis 2001 – FJW Thomas Williams arrived in the world. 1968 – FJW Nov Pink flower picked. 1961 – FJW Poppet died [Pekinese]. 1950 – CW…

14th December

…omeiensis near George’s Hut is doing well. Aucuba omeiensis Quercus insignis looking good and no tender pink autumn new growth is visible this year. I don’t think I saw it…

1st February

…the top of the old deer park only just established. The pink and white Rhododendron arboreums featured are still (exactly) there now in extreme old age. The Irish yew is…

28th April

…sinensis ‘Flamingo’ with its startling pink new growth in the cash point. Toona sinensis ‘Flamingo’ Euphorbia polychroma looking especially good in the sun. Euphorbia polychroma Euphorbia polychroma Telopea speciosissima ‘Braidwood…