20th July

…– FJW A really good and much needed soak. 1923 – JCW Buddleias are nice. Plagianthus lyalii some very good. No Discolor or Auriculatums. Romneya coulteri very good also American

25th February

…pity the American RHS magnolia photographer who struggled in the rain all week last week is not here today.To cap off the breath taking view of the Magnolia campbellii behind…

24th July

…Buddleias good. Brunonis and American Pillars over. Decorum x Auriculatums very good more serviceable than Auriculatum and not so hard to please, they also hate sun on the young foliage….

23rd February

…removed all the buds thinking they were dead. Droopy habit. Camellia chekiangoleosa Camellia chekiangoleosa Polyspora longicarpa (formerly gordonia) – gordonias are now limited to American species and polyspora are the…

8th June

…of Liriodendron chinense. Liriodendron tulipifera Liriodendron tulipifera Syringa prestoniae ‘Minuet’ just open. Very pretty. Syringa prestoniae ‘Minuet’ Syringa prestoniae ‘Minuet’ Two other very late flowering ‘American’ (see earlier description) deciduous…

26th July

…– Zephyranthes carinata. Zephyrantes are tenderish and tender north and south American bulbous perennials. I had guessed South African but was wrong. A bit crocus or colchicum like. Zephyranthes carinata…

29th February

…Garden last year. Named, I think, after California Moor on Goonhilly rather than anything American. Narcissus ‘California’ Last year’s planting of Prunus campanulata ‘Felix Jury’ with its first excellent flowers….

28th July

…ungernii x auriculatum, decorum x auriculatum, Harrows crop and eriogynum all give flower, ungernii x in particular. ‘The last’ Coombe Wood auriculatum flowers well. American Pillars, Rosa brunonis are the…

13th September

…of some note which ought to be more widely grown. Picea likiangensis Picea likiangensis Picea mariana, the black spruce, has also got away well but is north American rather than…

13th July

American Pillars are good. No Buddleia. 1921 – JCW Romneya coulteri at its best say 600 flowers?! 1920 – JCW Fortunei are passing. Auriculatum and Decorum x Auriculatum coming on,…