17th July

Pillars good. Lonicera macrophylla has been remarkable. 1927 – JCW The Romneya is very good and the [rose] American Pillars. Plagianthus lyalii is nice. We still have blooms of Griersonianum….

7th October

…conspicuus has more berries than usual above The Hovel. Cotoneaster conspicuus Cotoneaster conspicuus Cotoneaster conspicuus I then hunt the American Ilex opaca between the ferneries. Despite its holly like trunk…

24th June

…floribunda Styrax americanus – Kankakea Form – is now properly out. Styrax americanus – Kankakea Form A wonderful show on Magnolia sieboldii on the Main Ride. Small flowers on this…

29th March

…Charlie Michael’s old nursery bed. There are three left alive. The seed came from Kunming when an American managed to grab a load of seed out before Chairman Mao took…

4th April

…time to time in profusion.So to the centre of 40 Acres Wood to see how the American Gresham and Pickard magnolias are getting on here. Some casualties due to deer…

14th February

…is out here. Nothing much yet in the centre of Forty Acres in the American magnolia collection.Magnolia campbellii ‘Sidbury’ is absolutely full out and, unlike last year or for several…

15th July

…response. Schefflera macrophylla Grass cutting completed in Forty Acres wood where some of the American magnolia collection are starting to become proper trees. Grass cutting A trip to Osborne House…

4th February

…in the Tin Garden. Camellias of several sorts. 1932 – JCW Much as in 25, but the small number of Rhodo’n buds makes the wood a bit dull. The American

11th February

…‘Dorothy Wykoff’ from memory. Pieris ‘Dorothy Wykoff’ Pieris ‘Dorothy Wykoff’ First flowers full out on the American Oemleria cerasiformis. Oemleria cerasiformis The Camellia ‘Adelina Patti’ on the Main Ride has…

3rd July

…actual American source is not identified. There are no records of these being planted at Caerhays within the files that you have shared with me. I believe that Caroline Bell…