23rd September

…stemmed tree. Malus yunnanensis var. veitchii Seed pods from last winter’s flowers on Polyspora longicarpa. The first time these have formed on this young plant while the buds are swelling…

9th September

…now full out. A hint of purple around the stigmas. Hoheria sexstylosa ‘Crataegifolia’ Hoheria sexstylosa ‘Crataegifolia’ Plenty of flower buds on Polyspora longicarpa. Polyspora longicarpa Tristaniopsis laurina, the Water gum,…

9th January

…on Camellia ‘Adolphe Audusson’ by the Four in Hand. Camellia ‘Adolphe Audusson’ First actual flower buds on a wild daffodil. Sadly nibbled. wild daffodil 2018 – CHW Polyspora longicarpa (WWJ…

10th February

…if it snows in the next 10 days and all the magnolia flowers perish! 2015 – CHW Second year of flowering of two now evergreen species of Polyspora (ex Crug…

15th October

…drought new growth on the very rare Rhododendron emarginatum (CW+T 6278) Rhododendron emarginatum Flower buds and a ripening seed pod on Polyspora longicarpa (WWJ 11604). Polyspora longicarpa The first seed…

10th November

…haircut along with a few camellias beside it. Also the young beech trees have been tidied up. laurel hedge Polyspora buds close to opening. Polyspora 2016 – CHW The stump…

29th June

…CHW A little rain but only enough to dry the dust. It however smells fresher. A quest to see which other Manglietias are out. Polyspora knocked back by winter frost…

3rd December

…on Polyspora axillaris var. tonkinense. Polyspora axillaris var. tonkinense First flower on the pale coloured Camellia x williamsii ‘Beatrice Michael’. Camellia x williamsii ‘Beatrice Michael’ Buds nearly open on Camellia…

2nd December

…Whatevers’ are very similar! Camellia sasanqua ‘Winter’s Interlude’ A Polyspora longicarpa cutting with a camellia-like flower already on an 18in tall plant. Polyspora longicarpa A seedling Mallotus japonicus (perhaps –…

30th November

…Camellia x williamsii ‘George Blandford’ First flower out on Polyspora longicarpus (WWJ 12604). Polyspora longicarpus Every year I ponder if Camellia ‘Noblissima’ (as here) is really any different to Camellia…