9th March

…for some while, it cut all the bloom and there was a fine lot of it.1929 – JCW The following species Rhodo’ in flower – barbatum, moupinense, scabrifolium, sulfureum, dahuricum…

2nd January

…speciosa is frosted. Moupinense and Lutescens have shown colour for a month or thereabouts. Have seen one snowdrop. 1926 – JCW Hamamelis mollis is very fine indeed otherwise just as…

3rd February

Moupinense, blood red Arboreum and blood red [?] show flower, Barbatum open and Scabrifolium is very good, also several Primroses are open and E. hybrida is very good. 1922 –…

24th February

…‘Maisie’ As has Rhododendron ‘Golden Oriole Busaco’ (Rhododendron moupinense x Rhododendron sulfureum). This form has much darker flowers than ‘Golden Oriole Talavera’ which was also Caerhays bred. Rhododendron ‘Golden Oriole…

5th January

…CW Double white Camellia, and a good many of the hybrids, Olieifera nearly over. Nearly 100 Lapageria. Hamamelis and Rho mucronulatum very good, moupinense showing colour, several Sutchuenense hybrids coming…

14th February

…dog (or was it a dog?!)? No it was in fact his grandmother so a naughty remark. Its parentage is Rhododendron moupinense x Rhododendron chrysodoron. Rhododendron ‘Maisie’ First colour showing…

19th February

…barbatum, lutescens, ririei, also Blood Reds and Sutchuenense hybrids out, Leucaspis and both Moupinense and its hybrids. I picked 12 different red cups and clear yellows in Tin Garden. No…

21st February

…daff bud. Only Rhodo mucronulatum and moupinense of the Rhodo’s. 1916 – FJW As against 1897 the earliest recorded year, the hard wood things are further on and the daffs…

22nd February

…Well ahead of 1922 say ten days ago almost all the Sutchuenense show flowers or are open. Moupinense is about over, Blood Red Arboreums just at their best. 1922 –…

20th January

…princeps Sabal minor Sabal minor Sabal minor Sabal minor Rhapidophyllum hystrix Rhapidophyllum hystrix Rhapidophyllum hystrix Unknown palm Unknown palm Unknown palm 2017 – CHW Rhododendron ‘Seta’ (moupinense x spinuliferum) is…