28th February

…Rhododendron rireii Camellia reticulata ‘Royalty’ just opening. Camellia reticulata ‘Royalty’ Rhododendron moupinense now just out. Rhododendron moupinense First flower out on Magnolia campbellii subsp. mollicomata ‘Werrington’. A good colour this…

23rd February

…J Williams’ Magnolia ‘F J Williams’ 2015 – CHW RHODODENDRON moupinense Rhododendron moupinense full out but the clump is aged and dying. Must prioritise for cuttings in June/July. Many of…

17th February

…Camellia speciosa is good, the Hamamelis are over, Sutchuenense x are all good here and in the Beech Walk. Moupinense has been good for three weeks.1929 – JCW A long…

25th February

…Three or four yellow incomps open in the Tin Garden, one with colour. Hybrid Camellias very good. Moupinense at its best, Moupinense x Lutescens fully open, a good deal of…

13th February

…[Out presumably on this day] Rhodo’s – Sulfureum, Lutescens, Bayleyi, Davidsonianum, Irroratum, Dahuricum semp’s, Mucronulatum, Racemosum, Scabrifolium, Ririei, Quinquefolium, Moupinense, Thomsonii, Barbatum, Obtusum, Parvifolium, Rubiginosum.1915 – JCW Only Cyclamineus and…

14th November

…article on the genus. This will take more than just today.Rhododendron moupinense with its first early or secondary flowers? Rhododendron moupinense Stewartia pseudocamellia with some autumn colour which is yellowish…

28th December

…has blown over. Eucryphia lucida ‘Pink Cloud’ Another Camellia ‘Fairy Blush’ looking good in the sun above Lower Quarry Nursery. Camellia ‘Fairy Blush’ A first flower on Rhododendron moupinense on…

10th December

…few flowers on Rhododendron moupinense by the sales point about as early as usual. Rhododendron moupinense     Camellia grijsii is just out on a cold overcast day with a…

2nd December

…Hovel turning still has the odd decent flower and has now been out since late June. Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’ Hydrangea ‘Fireworks’ Hidden beside it is a Rhododendron moupinense full out in…

14th March

…drive (the pink form). This was a JCW hybrid between Rhododendron lutescens and Rhododendron moupinense which received an AM in 1937. Normally out first in February; this year’s show has…