19th May

speciosa but the last. The hybrids over. All small Azaleas very good. 1940 – CW Mag nicholsiana at best but big one mostly over. Wilsoni fully out, Parviflora just first…

18th May

…many. 1931 – JCW Of the Magnolia, Brozzoni is the best, Speciosa the next. Some Nicholsoniana, some Wilsoni opening. Sargentiana is over. A few good flowers on the hybrid speciosa

21st April

…who have done the work. 1945 – CW It has been hot and dry for long. Heavy flowering year. Daffs all over. Cherries were good. Camellias speciosa still some flowers…

20th April

…It will arrive at Chelsea I expect but what to do with Chelsea plants in the coldstore? This week’s problem to devise a plan! 1941 – CW Camellia speciosa still…

12th May

…not quite all open. There are a few flowers on C speciosa now. 1930 – JCW Camellia speciosa seedling has been very good indeed since the 26th January and is…

28th December

…on Cam George Blandford. November Pink well out. 1972 – FJW Four days of gales. 1928 – JCW No Camellia sasanqua open yet. 1931 – JCW The first camellia speciosa

25th February

…few daffs are open, snowdrops over. Heath very good indeed. Forrest’s Camellia speciosa has had hundreds of blooms on it untouched by the cold. It is the pink white form….

14th February

…R praecox. Camellia speciosa is very nice. 1924 – JCW We are far in front of 1897, I believe our earliest year. Cyclamineus has been open for a week, Camellia…

16th February

…hybrid, Lutescens, Barbatum and one or two Mrs Butler hybrids. Perhaps 20 different daffodils. 1933 – JCW Camellia speciosa at Gun Room door has about 300 flowers on it.1924 –…

20th February

…out, some Barbatum and Scabrifolium. Prunus pissardi and conradinae just coming out. [?] Dediconia is the next. Camellia speciosa is beautiful.1924 – JCW Cold NE wind and frost for a…