9th March

…and early reds are far advanced, several camellias open, Rho racemosum on the wane and so is fargesii, primulinum, oreodoxa, sutchuenense. Calophytum is well out and the heaths with the…

18th April

…montana rubra is nice. Broughtonii hybrids at their best and so R fargesii. 1911 – JCW A lot of hot sun and dry cold wind, daffs are going back and…

14th May

…where we have previously lost several rhododendrons. Not dissimilar to Salix fargesii? Salix moupinensis Salix moupinensis A huge yellow flowering callistemon by the Hothead. We saw a white one at…

26th April

…rhodo’ in flower: fastigiatum +,intricatum + , Williamsianum +, campylocarpum, thomsoni +x, lutescens +, fargesii + -,caucasicum (2 forms of yellow) +, sinovirgatum +, neriiflorum +, argenteum + -, Sir…

26th February

…hybrida is wonderful, a Camellia or two just open. Daphne mezereum open. 1918 – JCW Rhodo’s coming on well, all the early scarlet hybrids, Barbatum, Fargesii, Lutescens, Calophytum, Sutchuenense, Arboreums…