5th March

…removed today from the elderly heathers at the Four in Hand. 2020 – CHW Asia and I visit Antony Woodland Garden with Sir Richard Carew-Pole. The enormous Quercus suber must…

27th December

…cash point. The first time that this has ever flowered in the nursery I have seen. Not that different in flower to other hoyas.Then lots of heathers looking good: Hoya…

14th July

heathers as well as daffodils. Erica x williamsii ‘Ken Wilson’ Erica x williamsii ‘Ken Wilson’ 2022 – CHW More inspections of the new plantings above Higher Quarry Nursery.Missing website and…

3rd February

…lives. The tree heathers and large clump of Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ are still there. Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomium Rhododendron arboreum subsp. cinnamomium If you use a magnifying glass you can…

12th February

…the greenhouse. Rhododendron ‘Bo Peep’ Rhododendron ‘Bo Peep’ 2020 – CHW Spring flowering heathers looking superb in the nursery today despite even more frequent heavy showers. Erica erigena ‘Irish Dusk’…