30th July

…Rudbeckia ‘Prairie Glow’ A new one to me entirely was Lysimachia ‘Clethroides’ although you can see how it justifies its name. I do not remember ever seeing a white lysimachia

16th July

…in full sun in a hot dry place and has formed large clumps. Lysimachia nummularia Lysimachia nummularia Heracleum sphondylium, Hogweed or Cow Parsnip, is about the commonest of what might…

23rd July

…but never seen (by me) in flower before. Aralia cashmeriana Lysimachia pendrifolius (spelling may be wrong) – most peculiar! Lysimachia pendrifolius Lomatia fraseri in full flower 15ft up. Lomatia fraseri…

26th July

…best? Salvia ‘Icing Sugar’ Lysimachia punctata ‘Alexander’ for those who like variegated leaves? Lysimachia punctata ‘Alexander’ Coreopsis ‘Mango Punch’ – nicer than the rum one to me? Not a lot…

18th August

…and sundries store like our Griggs in Cornwall. Not much of interest plant wise. Kniphofia ‘Orange Vanilla Pop’ Kniphofia ‘Orange Vanilla Pop’ Coreopsis ‘American Dream’ and Lysimachia ‘Alexander’ Coreopsis ‘American…