30th August

…in the spring but more have appeared. Quercus cerris ‘Argeneovariegata’ Quercus cerris ‘Argeneovariegata’ Quercus cerris ‘Argeneovariegata’ Quercus cerris ‘Argeneovariegata’ Olearia solandri ‘Aurea’ is just coming out. A good plant as…

26th April

…filmed as I cut them out in a video. A somewhat unusual use for the kitchen steps! Quercus cerris ‘Argenteovariegata’ Quercus cerris ‘Argenteovariegata’ Pterocarya macroptera var. insignis with its slightly…

23rd June

…all the shoots with reverted green leaves have been removed. Quercus cerris ‘Argenteovariegata’ Quercus cerris ‘Argenteovariegata’ 2019 – CHW The dark red Azalea indica is just out beside the front…

20th June

…Camellia ‘Kitty’ Styrax americanus has struggled with dieback in the exposed Isla Rose Plantation. Wrong place for it. Styrax americanus The odd new bit of reversion on Quercus cerris ‘Variegata’…