7th May

…get its teeth through the bark entirely. Castanopsis concolor Castanopsis concolor Castanopsis concolor 2020 – CHW Good heavens, a mobile phone app which can trace your movements and tell (as…

RHS Savill Garden Pictures 2018

…here to return to the 7th April. Magnolia salicifolia ‘Concolor’ – large flowers indeed for a salicifolia Magnolia salicifolia ‘Concolor’ Magnolia salicifolia ‘Concolor’ Prunus ‘Shosar’ Prunus ‘Shosar’ Prunus ‘Shosar’ Fatsia…

12th August

…to mature. Good markings on the trunk too. Castanopsis concolor Castanopsis concolor To my amazement I find Cleyera japonica ‘Fortunei’ covered in pendulous white flowers. I went to photograph the…

27th September

…does not look it at present. Pinus yunnanensis Abies concolor. Abies concolor Ilex x attenuata ‘Sunny Foster’. Ilex x attenuata ‘Sunny Foster’ Planting in progress. Planting Oak trees raised from…

23rd April

…Castanopsis concolor with flowers appearing in a small plant Castanopsis concolor – Rhododendron ‘Jock’ covered in flower Rhododendron ‘Jock’ – Daphne gemmata and Daphne cneorum flowering side by side Daphne…

18th March

concolor with its first chestnut like seedpods appearing on a young tree. Castanopsis concolor Magnolia ‘Lanarth Surprise’ sadly just over and on an overcast day. Magnolia ‘Lanarth Surprise’ Magnolia ‘Genie’…

11th February

…Abies concolor x 3 one needs replacing, I am aware. Not on attached list. Carya ovata Corylopsis pauciflora x 3 Hippophae Leikora Hipophae Pollmix Ilex Sunny Foster Pittosporum napaulaensis Pseudowintera…