7th March

…40 camellias sold in the last three weeks. sales point sales point Erica lusitanica and Rhododendron praecox. Is Erica lusitanica really any different from the Erica arborea which self-seeds itself…

26th March

…Podocarpus totara Betula ermanii ‘Mt Hokkoda Honshia’ with attractive bark. Betula ermanii ‘Mt Hokkoda Honshia’ Cupressus lusitanica – another new species to me and dullish! Cupressus lusitanica Cupressus lusitanica Corokia…

7th November

…to show. Camellia saluenensis Erica lusitanica flowering amid a bank of Rubus tricolor. Erica lusitanica Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ with its leaves just turning. Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ Plenty of flowers still…