24th May

…go out with the tree next spring. Quercus trojana Quercus trojana Quercus trojana Ilex dimorphophylla with berries and new growth as a six month rooted cutting! Part of a good…

4th May

…libanerris Quercus libanerris A mature Quercus trojana. The International Dendrology Society gave us a plant of this last Tuesday. Enjoys a hot dry spot here. Quercus trojana Quercus trojana Quercus…

11th September

…Liquidambar orientalis Liquidambar orientalis Quercus trojana was a gift from the IDS after a 2019 visit. It too has now made good growth for the first time. Quercus trojana Quercus…

18th May

…Eucalyptus delegatensis Eucalyptus delegatensis Eucalyptus gregsoniana (also Roundabarrow) with a fine set of new growth. Eucalyptus gregsoniana Quercus trojana just coming into leaf. A gift from the 2019 IDS visit…

1st December

…autumn colours (not much!) on Quercus trojana – a gift from the IDS in 2019. Quercus trojana Carpinus rankanensis in full leaf. Carpinus rankanensis Carpinus japonica virtually leafless. Carpinus japonica…