25th August

tuberosa – I have never seen this double form better in a pot at Burncoose. Exquisite scent. Polyanthes tuberosa Polyanthes tuberosa Podranea ricasoliana – a most vibrant and late flowering…

30th August

…was smelling gorgeous. Polyanthes tuberosa Polyanthes tuberosa Cornus canadensis with brilliant red fruits and still the odd flower. Cornus canadensis 2017 – CHW Plenty of seed on Stachyurus praecox on…

15th July

…Veratrum nigrum The view down through the walled garden. The view Achillea filipendulina. Achillea filipendulina Comelina tuberosa. Commelina tuberosa Thalictrum delavayi – Introduced 1590. Thalictrum delavayi Osborne propagate all the…

10th September

…palmatum varieties Polianthes tuberosa (the single flowered form) beautifully in flower with gorgeous scent. Polianthes tuberosa Viburnum odoratissimum with an odd secondary flower in a tunnel. Viburnum odoratissimum Viburnum opulus…