24th December

…flowers on Camellia ‘Mary Costa’. Camellia ‘Mary Costa’ Removal of lower branches and general uplifting of Kalopanax septemlobus. Kalopanax septemlobus As ever the peeling bark on Rhododendron moulmainense (Rh stenaulum)…

29th December

…grandis 2020 – CHW Blustery but less cold.Camellia x williamsii ‘Rosemary Williams’ has survived the gales. Camellia x williamsii ‘Rosemary Williams’ Camellia cuspidata now full out in the Rookery. Only…

27th January

…Off’ Camellia japonica ‘Mary Costa’. Camellia japonica ‘Mary Costa’ Camellia japonica ‘Silver Chalice’ – a much newer introduction. Camellia japonica ‘Silver Chalice’ 2022 – CHW Overcast but still mild with…

13th February

…to measure flower size and, using the RHS Colour Charts, to identify the exact flower colours. Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Pickthorn’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Pickthorn’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary

11th January

…the side door. This x williamsii hybrid has some scent which makes it unusual. Mary Jobson was my father’s niece. Camellia ‘Mary Jobson’ Camellia ‘Mary Jobson’ 2004 – FJW Mild…

31st December

…Cornus drummondii ‘Sunshiny Drops’ A Camellia ‘Silver Anniversary’ with a good show. From a distance I thought it was another ‘Mary Costa’ but this is rather better. Completely unfrosted. Camellia…

4th February

…Vera’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Larcom’ is below the Tin Garden; an attractive compact habit and very floriferous. Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Larcom’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Larcom’ Camellia x…

25th February

…mollicomata ‘Lanarth’ Daphne bholua ‘Mary Rose’ in a similar condition. Daphne bholua ‘Mary Rose’ Daphne bholua ‘Mary Rose’ The Magnolia ‘Delia Williams’ on the lawn just starting to drop. It…

26th February

…x williamsii ‘Mary Phoebe Taylor’ in the nursery car park in full flow. Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Phoebe Taylor’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Phoebe Taylor’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Phoebe…

2nd February

…x williamsii ‘John Pickthorn’ and ‘Mary Pickthorn’. The latter has still to be registered this spring with the International Camellia Society. Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary Pickthorn’ Camellia x williamsii ‘Mary