19th July
…lucida flowering very well indeed. 1927 – JCW Buddleia’s nice 3-4 varieties. Plagianthus good. Romneya very good. American Pillars out a month is now on the downgrade. 1925 – JCW…
…lucida flowering very well indeed. 1927 – JCW Buddleia’s nice 3-4 varieties. Plagianthus good. Romneya very good. American Pillars out a month is now on the downgrade. 1925 – JCW…
…Rhododendron ‘Anne Teese’ Cut show material from high up on Plagianthus betulinus. Plagianthus betulinus 2023 – CHW A trip to the greenhouse on this much drier week to see what…
…Rehderodendron kwangtungense More pictures of the impressive Paulownia fortunei. Paulownia fortunei Paulownia fortunei The first deciduous azalea to show in Kennel Close. deciduous azalea Plagianthus betulinus in flower by Slip…
…Kennel Close. Berberis wilsoniae Berberis wilsoniae Plagianthus regius (formally P. betuloides) flowering exceptionally well high up the tree below Slip Rail. Plagianthus regius Azalea ‘Greenway’ and Azalea ‘Hinodegiri’ on Burn’s…
…Only a few Giganteum but they are good. Late rhodo’s remain. Late Plagianthus are hardly open. Griersonianum nice yet and so Eriogynum. There has been a lot of rain on…
…These and tree ferns will take years to recover. Still flowers on late Drive Camellias and Kimberley. 1926 – JCW Auriculatums x decorum opening. Harrow hybrids wane. Plagianthus ½ open….
…and Decorum x Auriculatum coming on, these last promise to be green and just as late as the species. Plagianthus have been very fine. R ingersii over. 1917 – JCW…
…Giganteums were good but are over. Daff seeds all picked. Plagianthus hardly open yet R brunonis over nearly. Wilson’s Fortunei poor, a lot of dry weather for June. 1916 –…
…shows colour.1969 – FJW Trewidden Grande very good.1962 – FJW St Ewe hedge very good. Too mild – cut back by Lord Headford and Plagianthus. 2 nice flowers of early…
…fine but the heat ruins them. 1923 – JCW R coulteri has had a few flowers only. Brunonis and Mitraria are nice. The Plagianthus are but just opening. 1919 –…