17th September

…R decorum near the Tin Garden good, the R primulinums very pretty, ten or twelve other species show flowers in varying degrees of value. Haematodes and hippophaeoides being the best….

5th August

…Edinburgh, we found some flowers on Adenogynum, Idoneum[?], 10311, Rupicolum, Flavidum, Hippophaeoides, Keysii, Decorum, Fortunei, Auriculatum, Fasitigiatum, Intricatum. 1913 – JCW Roses in the beds are very nice. White everlasting…

23rd September

…10278, Flavidum, Intricatum, Rupicolum, Hippophaeoides, Trichocladum, Fastigiatum and Barum (=10423). 1916 – JCW Hydrangeas, cyclamen and cassia are all good. Lapagerias nice, several (6-7) species of mountain rhodo’s in flower….