17th September

…R decorum near the Tin Garden good, the R primulinums very pretty, ten or twelve other species show flowers in varying degrees of value. Haematodes and hippophaeoides being the best….

5th August

…Idoneum[?], 10311, Rupicolum, Flavidum, Hippophaeoides, Keysii, Decorum, Fortunei, Auriculatum, Fasitigiatum, Intricatum. 1913 – JCW Roses in the beds are very nice. White everlasting peas good. R magnifica fair, it is…

23rd September

…Decorum, Neriiflorum, Scintillans, Felonateium, 10278, Flavidum, Intricatum, Rupicolum, Hippophaeoides, Trichocladum, Fastigiatum and Barum (=10423). 1916 – JCW Hydrangeas, cyclamen and cassia are all good. Lapagerias nice, several (6-7) species of…