…infections of old. Rhododendron cinnarbarinum Rhododendron cinnarbarinum Rhododendron hippophaeoides – a pleasant pale blue. rhododendron hippophaeoides habashan rhododendron hippophaeoides habashan Rhododendron rubiginosum ‘Wakehurst’ – excellent show. Rhododendron rubiginosum ‘Wakehurst’ Rhododendron…
…fastigiatum, R oreotrephes, R saluense, R hippophaeoides, R scintillans, R telmatium, R impeditum, R decorum, R rupicolum, R primulicum, R racemosum, R lepidotum, R trichodadum, R intricatum, R leoides, R…
…R decorum + R lutescens o R argenteum R primulinum R scintillans + R impeditum + R hippophaeoides R moupinense R arboreum pink and white o R sulfureum o R…
…opening, ciliatum with cantabile in the house and Watsonii with Calophytum outside. Fargesii, lutescens and barbatum show flowers hardly any others but hippophaeoides. The berberis hedge and the E hybrida…
…much as above. Hippophaeoides is very nice. Big stuff had very few buds and then frosted. Osmanthus delavayi in the sun is good. 1909 – JCW Much as in 1904,…
…colour. Lutescens very fine for weeks and ciliatum. One Lapageria flower. 1924 – JCW This is very near 1914. The best Rhodo’s are the Hippophaeoides set but frost and the…
…bad storms and a lot of rain. Last week 3 big branches off the tall Insignis. 1924 – JCW I took a nice bunch of Hippophaeoides, Scintillans, Saluensis, Russatum x…
…Lately harvest in for about a week. Haematodes and hippophaeoides are the best rhodo’s. No C sasanqua yet. Election next week. 1920 – JCW Hydrangea are good. Lapagerias and roses…
…pans from lack of labour and energy. The buddleias are good also odd flowers are open on Auriculatum, Brachycarpum, Caucasicum, Primulicum with other mountain forms including Hippophaeoides which is very…
…finished – still 4 acres of corn out – garden does not look too dry. 1916 – JCW The following rhodo’s are in flower – R flavidum, R hippophaeoides, R…