5th December

…CHW Cornus walteri was looking good in its yellow autumn robes but today rather drab with the best leaves blown off. Cornus walteri Cornus walteri The first daffodil shoots by…

26th May

…Zanthoxylum. Brassaiopis dumicola Brassaiopis dumicola Brassaiopis dumicola Brassaiopis dumicola Zelkova abelicea with its unusual leaf formation. Planted out in the autumn. This is only a large shrub in the wild…

4th May

…alnifolia in flower. We saw the first berries last autumn. Sorbus alnifolia Sorbus alnifolia The best find of the day was Quercus bushii ‘Seattle Trident’ with its pink and red…

2nd May

…once stocked and could now easily do again. Hydrangea anomala spp. quelpartensis Hydrangea anomala spp. quelpartensis Quercus palustris ‘Flaming Suzy’ presumably performs in the autumn or have I missed a…

23rd May

…believe this is Quercus affinis although I thought it was Quercus castanifolia when looking at the spiny acorns cups last autumn. Quercus affinis This is labelled Quercus monimotricha (90-0250) but…

1st August

…How many years until it flowers? Magnolia floribunda Magnolia floribunda Magnolia floribunda Cyclocarya paliurus (SICH 1784) has settled in after planting last autumn. Leaf like a Pterocarya but fruits rather…