7th January

…buds swelling yet. Magnolia ‘Bishop Peter’ Gorgeous scent on the first flowers of Camellia ‘Cinnamon Candy’. Camellia ‘Cinnamon Candy’ Excellent pruning behind the largest Schefflera taiwaniana. pruning A few lower…

5th February

…of Camellia ‘Cinnamon Candy’. One flower only on 20 or so plants. Camellia ‘Cinnamon Candy’ Magnolia maccleurii seedlings which germinated last year. Magnolia maccleurii Bethrocalyx crookshankii seeds collected at Tregrehan…

20th October

…and trained onto a trellis structure. Viburnum betulifolium Rhododendron ‘Norfolk Candy’ has one surprise secondary flower outside the front gate. Another plant in this group is currently dying of honey…

16th December

…on the paler form of Rhododendron irroratum. Rhododendron irroratum First couple of flowers on Camellia ‘Cinnamon Candy’. Camellia ‘Cinnamon Candy’ The old Gevuina avellana has massive dieback from the early…

15th December

…a week Cotoneaster ‘Exburyensis’ has been stripped of all its yellow berries by the birds. Cotoneaster ‘Exburyensis’ Frosted secondary flowers on Rhododendron ‘Norfolk Candy’. Rhododendron ‘Norfolk Candy’ A huge fallen…

27th September

…Planting in progress. Planting Oak trees raised from acorns from The Cottage in Durham. Oak trees A good secondary show now on Rhododendron ‘Norfolk Candy’. Rhododendron ‘Norfolk Candy’ Malus ‘Jelly…

6th March

…old replanting 20 year old replanting Magnolia ‘Candy Cane’ might have been quite nice. Magnolia ‘Candy Cane’ Magnolia ‘Eleanor May’ has one decent flower left which is not too bad…

21st May

Lights’ Decaisnea fargesi Disporum longistylum Zantedeschia ‘Pink_Flamingo’ Podophyllum persepele ‘Spotty Dotty’ I was quite wrong about the enkianthus and embothrium being too far out to use on the stand. The…

4th May

…Quercus gilva Quercus gilva 2020 – CHW So Lord Bragg and the other leading lights in the art/cultural world want (a mere) £50 billion from the government (just like those…

8th May

…south London garden party sounds in full swing as the blue lights appear.Not strong enough for much today after an ‘all-nighter’ so just a quick trip to the Higher Rockery….