8th September

…Microtropis petelotii covered in seed heads. Microtropis petelotii Viburnum x hillieri ‘Winton’ with a few red seeds. Viburnum x hillieri ‘Winton’ Secondary flowers in Rhododendron elliottii. Rhododendron elliottii 2022 –…

3rd September

…rounded red fruits. Cotoneaster sylvestrii Cotoneaster sylvestrii 2023 – CHW Final tidying in the new Rookery clearing has given the pheasants plenty of opportunity for dust baths. 28°c here yesterday…

April 2024 Ireland Trip (Day 2)

…original Chaenomeles x superba ‘Rowallane’ is a vivid scarlet or is it orange/ red? A chance seedling originally found at Rowallane. We saw the Hypericum ‘Rowallane’ nearby but it was…

24th July

…would be very visible without it. The Trachelospermum jasminoides which I planted next door is scenting everything but covered in bindweed. Trachelospermum jasminoides Agapanthus campanulatus ‘Rosewarne’ as good as pictured

5th September

…Lapageria rosea flowers. Lapageria rosea Lapageria rosea ‘Picotee’ again with a large truss of flowers. Lapageria rosea ‘Picotee’ Escallonia bifida covered in bumble bees and red admirals. Escallonia bifida Escallonia…

7th June

…looking justified in its former Plant of the Year award. Hydrangea ‘Runaway Bride’ The very red and late flowering Azalea ‘Jane Fire’. Azalea ‘Jane Fire’ Azalea ‘Jane Fire’ Azalea ‘Jane…

April 2024 Ireland Trip (Day 3)

back to the 27th April Today Guincho and then to Mahee Island. Right beside the Sambucus seedling is Euonymus lucidus with its gorgeous reddish new growth. Euonymus lucidus Coprosma ‘Beatson’s…

9th September

…be proud to grow distinctive forms of the hybrid? To my mind the white-flowered form has great merit, and an unusual lilac-flowered form sent into the RHS from Guernsey under…

20th January

…with scent on the drive. Camellia lutchuense hybrid A very large flowered Camellia reticulata by Donkey Shoe. Unnamed on the plan. A very ‘leggy’ plant with few flowers. A bit…

1st August

…over flowering this year. layered his sweet peas layered his sweet peas layered his sweet peas Pear ‘Merton Pride’ was producing a big crop and Will had covered the tree…