14th April

…camellias replanted below White Styles. sacrifice camellias sacrifice camellias The 24 Matsumae cherries in a double avenue continue to impress. Matsumae cherries A young Magnolia ‘Goldstar’ below White Styles showing…

28th June

…heat. Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ 2017 – CHW Gentle rain all day which is just what the garden needed. It is about three weeks since we…

1st May

…a drone. Rhododendron loderi ‘King George’ Rhododendron loderi ‘King George’ Rhododendron floccigerum which is one of my favourite species. This form an excellent colour. We have another old plant of…

7th March

…oddly, has come out right beside the main trunk. Magnolia ‘Delia Williams’ Daphne bholua ‘Mary Rose’ now scenting the Rockery. Outstanding. Daphne bholua ‘Mary Rose’ A pure white lapageria ready…

19th April

…before. This plant by the Green Gate has single white flowers so it is P. serrula despite its incorrect label as Prunus serrula x serrulata which has double white flowers….

29th May

…Podocarpus. The one with the largest base appears to be Ilex kingiana (formerly Ilex insignis). Ilex kingiana Ilex kingiana The other two have been identified as Ilex latifolia but bear…

17th June

…in the catalogue – Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’. Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’ Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea ‘White Moon’ Azalea ‘Blue Moon’ and Azalea…

1st July

…hips in large quantities.] white climbing rose white climbing rose white climbing rose white climbing rose 2017 – CHW A dry day after a week’s rain on and off. No…

4th January

…of buds still covered with their attractive orange furry casing. Michelia ‘Fairy White’ Michelia ‘Fairy White’ Michelia ‘Fairy White’ Plenty of buds all over Rhododendron lindleyi which will not be…

20th April

…into leaf in Scotland to avoid being frosted. He now lives in Scotland and chairs the Scottish Alpine Plant Society. Betula luminifera ‘White House Farm’ Berberis wilsoniae looking superb in…