20th June

…best show I have seen here. Actinidia deliciosa ‘Tomuri’ Actinidia deliciosa ‘Tomuri’ Actinidia deliciosa ‘Tomuri’ Rhododendron auriculatum just coming out after the rain. Rhododendron auriculatum The supposed Magnolia floribunda var….

24th April

…of the new rockery border. Actinidia kolomitka covering a wall. Actinidia kolomitka Actinidia kolomitka Cutting the ribbon with Terence, Lizzie and Thomas. Big speech. Cutting the ribbon Cutting the ribbon…

5th July

…have only seen before in Seaview. Jet black hollyhocks Hydrangea quercifolia and Actinidia pilosula. Hydrangea quercifolia and Actinidia pilosula Deutzia setchuenensis var. corymbiflora ‘Kiftsgate’ making a fine show. Deutzia setchuenensis…

3rd December

…good autumn colour by the gents’ loo long after the intertwined wisteria has shed its leaves. Actinidia deliciosa Actinidia deliciosa 2018 – CHW Storms bring down a tree on the…

1st June

…buds on Hydrangea seemanii are well developed on the wall. Hydrangea seemanii Hydrangea seemanii As they are on Actinidia deliciosa. Both much earlier than usual. Actinidia deliciosa Actinidia deliciosa The…

12th December

…CHW Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ laden with buds for next year with only a few old leaves left. A bumper flowering in prospect. Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ Actinidia deliciosa…

23rd June

…and looking good. camellia liners Huodendron biaristratum in full flower. Huodendron biaristratum Actinidia arguta ‘Issai’ buzzing like a beehive with bees. Actinidia arguta ‘Issai’ Campylotropis macrocarpa is a totally new…

18th November

…at Penvergate Amid the brambles and mess an Actinidia deliciosa with small ripe fruit. Actinidia deliciosa Quercus x bushii ‘Seattle Trident’ with its full autumn colour. Quercus x bushii ‘Seattle…

17th May

…less of a worry for the garden. puddles Wisteria floribunda ‘Black Dragon’ just out above the gents’ urinals. It used to mingle with an Actinidia but is now better on…

16th March

…still allowed to be called this) which is a quarterly RHS magazine. These are twining climbers related to Actinidia. Two species were discovered by Ernest Wilson in 1908. Magnolia ‘Lanarth…