20th May

…Rhododendron ‘Catherine Fortescue’ is a better yellow when first into flower. Rhododendron ‘Catherine Fortescue’ Rhododendron ‘Catherine Fortescue’ The record Saxegothaea conspicua on the main drive. Saxegothaea conspicua Rosa ‘Canary Bird’…

6th May

…the first time here. Rather bay-laurel like? Its related to Olea and comes from the Canary Isles. If it survives it will become a large evergreen tree with hard, heavy…

21st June

…the Canary Isles. Its other name is Echium bourgaeanum. Echium wildpretii Echium wildpretii Echium wildpretii Deutzia paniculata (BSWJ 8592) above the drive on from the Four in Hand. The (different)…

12th October

…quite a tree! It won’t be flowering in April as the reference books say about this Canary Island laurel. Laurus azorica Laurus azorica Alongside it Eucryphia moorei in full flower….

2nd July

…not a South African tree. Freylinia lanceolata Picconia excelsa – Canary Islands olive – is a huge ilex-like tree which we tried and failed with. Picconia excelsa Picconia excelsa Diospyros…

12th September

…Acer x conspicuum ‘Red Flamingo’ 2015 – CHW Ilex perado ‘Perado’ from the Canary Isles has been spread around the garden by birds feeding on its berries. This rare and…