25th March

…Magnolia ‘Livingstone’ Magnolia ‘Livingstone’ Magnolia ‘Livingstone’ Magnolia pseudokobus ‘Kubishi-modoki’ nearly out. Magnolia pseudokobus ‘Kubishi-modoki’ What growth the Gunnera manicata bed has made in a week. Huge flower heads now as…

22nd April

…I think but cannot remember. Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ First flower on Magnolia ‘Livingstone’ is a bit battered but a fine colour. A New Zealand…

18th March

‘Livingstone’ Magnolia ‘Livingstone’ One of the two original and pure white Magnolia campbellii ‘Alba’ in Old Park looking splendid from a distance today. Magnolia campbellii ‘Alba’ Magnolia ‘Lotus’ is yet…

28th March

…have been wiped out. Higher up the hill Magnolia ‘Livingstone’ has survived. Magnolia ‘Livingstone’ These are magnolia flower heads which have dropped to the ground either unopened or totally black…

2nd April

…Bright’ Tom & Jo Hudson’s superb Michelia maudiae ‘Golden Temple’. Michelia maudiae ‘Golden Temple’ Magnolia ‘Livingstone’. Magnolia ‘Livingstone’ The Scamp daffodil display as good as usual. The Scamp daffodil display…

7th April

…Cup’ Magnolia ‘Gold Cup’ Magnolia ‘Livingstone’ Magnolia ‘Livingstone’ Magnolia ‘Anticipation’ Magnolia ‘Anticipation’ Even the Gunnera manicata bed is badly frosted. Gunnera manicata This mystery rhododendron is not quite Rhododendron arboreum…