5th April

…looked it up and it is Camellia japonica ‘Onetia Holland’] ‘Optima‘Optima‘Optima’ Camellia x williamsii ‘E G Waterhouse’ is at its best today. Camellia x williamsii ‘E G Waterhouse’…

25th February

…better. Flowers, and the flecking within, a bit variable. Camellia japonica ‘Optima’ Camellia japonica ‘Optima’ Camellia japonica ‘Optima’ The view today from the front door. view today from the front…

9th May

…else and I have not got this right opposite the side door. Vallea stipularis Vallea stipularis Still a few decent flowers on Camellia japonica ‘Optima’ by the side door. A…

17th May

…its own. Wisteria floribunda ‘Black Dragon’ The very last single flower on one of the original Camellia saluenensis. The first was in November! Camellia saluenensis Camellia ‘Optima’ still has plenty…

27th March

…Camellia reticulata ‘Fee de L’Aulne’ Magnolia x loebneri ‘Wildcat’ a bit bedraggled now after the rain. Magnolia x loebneri ‘Wildcat’ Camellia ‘Optima’ by the side door with just small flecks…

25th December

…2018 – CHW What is out on Christmas Day this year which I do not remember seeing out before? Camellia ‘Alba Plena’ Camellia ‘Alba Plena’ Camellia ‘Optima’ Camellia ‘Optima’ I…

29th March

…japonica ‘Optima’ by the side door. Camellia japonica ‘Optima’ Then a long garden tour with Peter & Henny Shotter. The Korean sourced Magnolia cylindrica full out. Magnolia cylindrica The newly…