2nd January

…was, as usual, not forewarned by the dear old Met Office. cryptomeria Pseudocydonia sinensis Pseudocydonia sinensis Just look at the white undersides of the leaves on one ilex oak (still)…

20th April

…I cannot say that the long wait has been worthwhile. Nor, unsurprisingly, have I yet seen a quince come to that! Pseudocydonia sinensis Pseudocydonia sinensis Picea smithiana with attractive drooping…

5th April

…flowers have been battered by the rain. Pseudocydonia sinensis Pseudocydonia sinensis Another ghastly looking big leaf rhododendron on the way out. big leaf rhododendron The Game Larder starts to fill…

26th December

…the way and already milder and overcast. The water meadows are finally free of flooding for the moment.New growth emerging early on the semi evergreen Pseudocydonia sinensis as it usually…

15th November

…delavayi a day or two ago. Magnolia grandiflora The first quince we have ever seen on Pseudocydonia sinensis. I did capture a very few flowers on this bush but not…

4th February

…(three plants) nearby of the pink form of Rhododendron ‘Bo-Peep’. Is the pink better than the yellow form? Rhododendron ‘Bo-Peep’ Rhododendron ‘Bo-Peep’ Rhododendron ‘Bo-Peep’ Pseudocydonia sinensis with, as usual, early…

3rd January

…least been eaten by something however nauseous the smell (which it is to me). quince quince quince 2017 – CHW Last year the Pseudocydonia sinensis had a full set of…

18th February

…of the recent cold weather with droopy leaves. It will soon pick up. Kalmia angustifolia ‘Rubra’ Cercis chinensis ‘Avondale’ in flower rather unexpectedly early. Cercis chinensis ‘Avondale’ As usual Pseudocydonia

28th February

…huge fallen oak Pseudocydonia sinensis early into full leaf on the drive as it always is. No flowers or fruit as yet on this 20 year old shrub. Pseudocydonia sinensis…