23rd October

…autumn colours too with the unusual mixture of red and yellow. Parrotia persica ‘Persian Spire’ Parrotia persica ‘Persian Spire’ Quercus liaotungensis leaves turn brown and hold on the younger trees…

3rd August

…‘Little Spire’ grew to about 18 inches and had delicate but attractive flowers as you can see. Arguably nicer than Perouskia ‘Blue Spire’. Perouskia atriplicifolia ‘Little Spire’ Perouskia atriplicifolia ‘Little…

16th May

…basically a creeping, suckering, rockery plant but here top-grafted so it has remained the same size for 20 years. SORBUS ‘Hilling Spire’ SORBUS ‘Hilling Spire’ Sorbus ‘Hilling Spire’ – this…

RHS Savill Garden – Flower Show Pictures – 2018

…‘Countess of Haddington’ (indoor grown) Rhododendron ‘Countess of Haddington’ Rhododendron ‘Countess of Haddington’ Pinus wallichiana with cones Pinus wallichiana Pinus wallichiana Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Little Spire’ Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Little Spire’ Chamaecyparis…

28th September

…from rose to white with a pink flush. Not many though! Sorbus ‘Pearly King’ Sorbus ‘Hilling Spire’ has only two clusters of yellow fruits quite high up. Sorbus ‘Hilling Spire’…

25th September

…have been blown open prematurely in the wind as the colours are very pale. Rhododendron nobleanum Sorbus ‘Hilling Spire’ with attractive yellow berries which are already dropping fast. Sorbus ‘Hilling…

26th March

…but M. ‘Burgundy Spire’ looks better even than this as a new introduction which has not flowered here yet. Magnolia ‘Burgundy Star’ Magnolia ‘Burgundy Star’ 2022 – CHW A visit…