25th March

…young age. Magnolia ‘Sulphur Cockatoo’ Magnolia ‘Sulphur Cockatoo’ Magnolia ‘Livingstone’ is M. sprengeri var. ‘Diva’ x M. ‘Vulcan’ and a very good thing bred by Ian Baldick in New Zealand….

5th April

…full out. Leujocum aestivum ‘Gravetye Giant’ Three small plants of Rhododendron cumberlandense putting on a show. Rhododendron cumberlandense Magnolia ‘Sulphur Cockatoo’ (Gresham Hybrid) not yet doing much. Magnolia ‘Sulphur Cockatoo’…

11th August

…canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’ Not bad either to see Hedera colchica ‘Sulphur Heat’ growing with a fruiting vine (‘Muscat of Alexandria’). Hedera colchica ‘Sulphur Heat’ growing with a fruiting vine Then…

29th July

…Boulevard’ Carnon Downs Garden Centre has a much better plant range and nearly all covered and shaded. Poleonemium ‘Sulphur Trumpets’ was a nice new thing. Poleonemium ‘Sulphur Trumpets’ Agapanthus ‘Midnight…

10th March

…Durio’ (Magnolia x soulangeana ‘Lennei Alba’ x Magnolia x veitchii) – Gresham hybrid Magnolia ‘Tina Durio’ Magnolia ‘Tina Durio’ I missed Magnolia ‘Sulphur Cockatoo’ (Gresham hybrid), Magnolia ‘Pickards Firefly’ and…

3rd October

…‘Silver Cardinal’ I think that this is a fine display of Sulphur Tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare) growing on a dead rhododendron stump at Burncoose. A common fungus on dead and decaying…

15th July

…is Potentilla recta, Sulphur Cinquefoil or Upright Cinquefoil, which is an introduced perennial with distinctive seeds which has escaped from gardens into a woodland setting as here. It emerges on…