3rd May

…scent. Rhododendron ‘Lady Alice Fitzwilliam’ New growth well away on x Rhaphiobotrya ‘Coppertone’. x Rhaphiobotrya ‘Coppertone’ Pinkish new growth on Quercus candicans and first flower tassels. Quercus candicans Quercus candicans

A trip to Tregrehan to study Fagacaea

…lost this. Quercus candicans Quercus candicans Quercus tatakaensis from Taiwan. Quercus tatakaensis Quercus tatakaensis Lithocarpus kawakamii which may be the species with the largest leaves. Lithocarpus kawakamii Lithocarpus kawakamii Lithocarpus…

29th May

…Chelsea! 2021 – CHWOur planting records show six specie oaks planted in 1997 in Giddle Orchard: Quercus lancefolia (two) Quercus uxoris (two) Quercus acutifolia Quercus candicans I assume these were…

22nd July

…where they will all flower pink anyway? A load of new planting A load of new planting Araucaria araucana with female fruiting cones. Araucaria araucana Populus candicans ‘Aurora’ with hot…

30th July

…lancefolia, acutifolia and candicans. We just also lost a Quercus candicans above the veitchiis but this had blown over. Unless I am being dim a total wipeout but trees did…

12th July

…Echium fastuosum (Echium candicans) covered with attractive seed heads which are nearly as fine as its flowers. Echium fastuosum 2020 – CHW Just below the turning onto the main ride…