30th December

…our young Manglietia decidua (Magnolia decidua) was wrongly named as, even a month ago, it certainly did not look deciduous. I need not have worried! The plant has yet to…

16th March

…forms. Betula utilis Betula utilis Mangliatia decidua with no sign of flower buds. Mangliatia decidua Mangliatia decidua Lonicera setifera was nearly over. A 10 foot tall shrub with a similar…

10th December

…green three weeks ago. Glyptostrobus pensilis ‘Wooly Mammoth’ Glyptostrobus pensilis ‘Wooly Mammoth’ Magnolia decidua finally dropping its leaves. This species does look evergreen until now despite its name. Magnolia decidua

23rd December

…salmon-pink berries on the rare Cotoneaster frigidus ‘Inchmery’. Cotoneaster frigidus ‘Inchmery’ Still a few leaves on Magnolia decidua (formerly Manglietia decidua). Perhaps it will finally flower this year? Magnolia decidua

19th November

…by Christmas. No sign of its first flower buds looking closely today. Magnolia (Manglietia) decidua Magnolia (Manglietia) decidua Tilia kiusiana had a better show of yellow colouring last year. Blown…

15th December

…blown over and snapped its stakes. Quercus rugosa Carpinus fargesiana (KR 8180) still in full leaf after another December week. Carpinus fargesiana (KR 8180) 2022 – CHW Magnolia decidua eventually…

13th November

…appear. Malus rockii Malus rockii Magnolia x weisneri still in full leaf. Magnolia x weisneri As is Magnolia decidua. Magnolia decidua Ripe fruits on Cotoneaster ‘Inchmery’ which we forgot to…

10th August

…the new growth has been most vigorous. Magnolia ‘Star Wars’ Wonderful bark on Magnolia decidua. Magnolia decidua First flowers out on the late flowering Tilia kiusiana. Tilia kiusiana The secondary…