…suckering tree growing in a swamp. Clethra arborea everywhere self sown and suckering too. Acacia melanoxylon Acacia melanoxylon Acacia melanoxylon Acacia melanoxylon Acacia melanoxylon Acacia melanoxylon A huge Eucalyptus globulus…
…and one is yet to come out. Acacia melanoxylon Rhododendron scabrifolium var. scabrifolium still just alive above the top wall under the Acacia melanoxylon. Rhododendron scabrifolium var. scabrifolium Fuchsia excorticata…
…or less complete for the season. Stewartia sinensis Stewartia sinensis Acacia melanoxylon full out on a 70ft tree near the house. Ours are still in tight bud. Acacia melanoxylon Acacia…
…wall a week later than at Trewithen. Acacia melanoxylon Acacia melanoxylon Above the Top Wall are three good magnolias today. A Magnolia sargentiana var. robusta seedling which is a bit…
…this large tree which has attractive splitting stripes lower down. Acacia melanoxylon Acacia melanoxylon The Escallonia ‘Iveyi’ have now had their haircut to reshoot rather quicker than I expected! Escallonia…
…fortnight. Camellia ‘Bokuhan’ Acacia melanoxylon nearly out in flower – two huge trees on from the Old Playhouse. Acacia melanoxylon The oldest Daphne bholua ‘Alba’ on the wall by the…
…Richard Carew Pole and Anthony Gardens. Acacia cultriformis Acacia cultriformis Seed setting on Eucryphia cordifolia. Eucryphia cordifolia Acacia melanoxylon in bud but not as far on as Acacia cultriformis. Acacia…
…Aeoniums Mixed Aeoniums in the circular bed beside the house. Mixed Aeoniums Mixed Aeoniums Fagus sylvatica ‘Atropurpurea’ and Acacia melanoxylon as one looks down the valley. Fagus sylvatica ‘Atropurpurea’ Then…