29th September

…varieties making a great show. Gaultheria mucronata Cornus ‘Sunshiny Drops’ with very ripe fruits. Cornus ‘Sunshiny Drops’ Cornus ‘Sunshiny Drops’ Good autumn colour developing on Zanthoxylum simulans. Zanthoxylum simulans Quercus…

16th September

simulans plastered in small reddish fruits which are not yet ripe. The trunk of this small tree has enormous spines as do its branches. Zanthoxylum simulans Zanthoxylum simulans Zanthoxylum simulans

4th August

…one. Zanthoxylum simulans Zanthoxylum simulans Zanthoxylum piperitum var. inerme is in Kennel Close with few seeds this year and a much younger tree. Zanthoxylum piperitum var. inerme Three plants of…

19th November

…does not have as good a brown velvety indumentum. Also masses of seed collected from Zanthoxylum simulans also in the main clearing in Forty Acres (but none on the nearby…

4th September

…Magnolia sieboldii Magnolia sieboldii Magnolia sieboldii Two zanthoxylum species with an attractive display of fruit. The smaller one may be Zanthoxylum simulans. Horrid prickles. zanthoxylum species zanthoxylum species zanthoxylum species…