24th February

…finally coming out properly after several recent pictures in this Diary. Magnolia ‘Todd’s Forty Niner’ Suddenly a few flowers out on Magnolia zenii (not many). Magnolia zenii Another 1810 snippet…

31st March

…at the base. Not worth naming I suspect. Magnolia zenii x M. salicifolia ‘Jermyns’ Magnolia zenii x M. salicifolia ‘Jermyns’ Magnolia zenii x M. salicifolia ‘Jermyns’ Camellia ‘Tiffany’ I think…

6th February

…flowers blown out overnight on Magnolia zenii. Too high up to do justice to. Also planted in 2007 and now much taller than ‘49er’. Magnolia zenii Similarly a few flowers…

14th February

…on Magnolia zenii although the light is fading now above the greenhouse. About as early as last year and very like Magnolia amoena but rather earlier into flower. Endangered in…

6th March

…Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’ First flower on Magnolia zenii which is later than usual. Magnolia zenii Despite having a few battered flowers out two to three weeks ago this (true)…

22nd January

…so ago. Magnolia ‘Star Wars’ Magnolia zenii above the greenhouse has one decent flower out. A good month earlier than we looked at this with Jim Gardiner last year in…

20th January

…‘Muskoka’ No colour yet on Magnolia zenii unlike last year. Magnolia zenii Fallen camellia flowers from the unnamed x williamsii clump above the greenhouse. unnamed x williamsii 2019 – CHW…

18th January

…in Kennel Close. The first clump to flower here. ‘King Alfred’ daffodils But Prunus ‘Kursar’ is only just showing colour. Prunus ‘Kursar’ 2019 – CHW Magnolia zenii now full out….

25th February

…Vancouver in 1963. A campbellii var. mollicomata x sargentiana robusta seedling which is large flowered but otherwise unremarkable. Magnolia ‘Mossman’s Giant’ Magnolia ‘Mossman’s Giant’ Magnolia ‘Mossman’s Giant’ Magnolia zenii Magnolia…

18th February

…Auklandii Garden but is still far from being full out which is just as well. Magnolia ‘F J Williams’ Magnolia zenii had a flower out about a month ago but…