24th September

…jamensis ‘Hot Lips’ and Salvia ‘Amistad’. salvias Salvia ‘Amethyst Lips’ in a pot. Salvia ‘Amethyst Lips’ The newly planted Ternstroemia aff. chapensis. A new species here. Ternstroemia aff. chapensis Ternstroemia…

19th October

…has a good yellow hue. Calycanthus x raulstonii ‘Hartlage Wine’ Cercis ‘Ruby Falls’ is changing nicely too. Cercis ‘Ruby Falls’ Catalpa bignonoides ‘Aurea’ with secondary new growth in the show…

17th August

…Eryngium planum ‘Magical Purple Falls’ Monarda ‘Knight Violet’ and Eryngium planum ‘Magical Purple Falls’ Lobelia siphilitica ‘Blue’and Lobelia ‘Fanship Burgundy’ Lobelia siphilitica ‘Blue’and Lobelia ‘Fanship Burgundy’ Lobelia ‘Fanship Scarlet’ and…

20th August

…out flower as dusk falls. Rosa ‘Handel’ Viburnum plicatum ‘Lanarth’ struggling in the drought with shrivelled leaves. Viburnum plicatum ‘Lanarth’ Symphoricarpos albus with flowers and berries together. Symphoricarpos albus 2021…

27th September

…to restore wildflower meadows. Big risks of cliff falls (as we have had before with cattle) and I doubt that ponies on their own can really keep the bracken and…

26th May

…is in nearly full shade. Sun is needed for proper budding and flowering to its potential. Magnolia x wiesneri As the rain falls off into the Rockery. Then driven home…

7th May

…they make a nice election poster but hopefully not the balance of power. 2004 – FJW Fair amount of rain, but main falls have missed us and passed by on…

20th December

…get the wheelchair into the church where Dad promptly falls asleep. No incidents except he calls Will Caws a ‘stupid bastard’ (and you know you are!) for catching his hand…

4th November

…CHW A huge Pinus insignis tree twists, turns, and falls at the Red Linney on the drive last night in the gale. Huge Pinus A Magnolia ‘Sayonara’ is shredded to…

29th October

…2019 – CHW A search for some surviving autumn colour after the gales have led to heavy leaf falls. Most trees and shrubs with heavy seeds will now be scattered…