June – Summer fetes & lots of colour


screen shot of june 2015
June 2015

June proved to be very dry in Cornwall, unlike July and August.

We saw our best ever summer fete with over 3500 people visiting the Castle and gardens and enjoying the day.

Colourful cornus pictures on 10th June  and the 14th of June to see on our hunt around the garden

Lots of Magnolia pictures to delight and of course more questions that need answering…

Is this magnolia from the breeder Gothenburg?

An azalea with no name.

Is this Rhododendron royalii hybrid ‘Royal Flush’?

Baby frogs

The gardens saw an invasion of baby frogs, they were everywhere, so tiny and difficult to photograph but lovely to watch. Check out the 9th of JuneDo birds not eat tiny frogs?