5th June

…has!)? I would describe the flowers as shaped like a toad’s mouth opening. The only vaguely similar shaped flower I know is Clerodendron. Carrierea calycina Carrierea calycina Carrierea calycina Carrierea…

6th June

…flowered this but need to confirm. Carrierrea calycina Carrierrea calycina Carrierrea calycina Carrierrea calycina The water bowser is in place and very much in use watering young trees in Kennel…

2nd November

…the curling and, finally, the dropping. Carrierea calycina Carrierea calycina Carrierea calycina Tony Kirkham’s great introduction of Paulownia kawakamii from Taiwan is already laden with bud for next spring. Last…

8th June

…Carrierea calycina Carrierea calycina Flowers on a young Sorbus hupehensis. Sorbus hupehensis Pterocarya rhederiana ‘Fern Leaf’ with its genuinely extraordinary foliage. This young plant has much better foliage than the…

23rd April

…Magnolia sapiensis Magnolia sapiensis Carrieria calycina – the largest I have seen in full sun. Presumably close to its first flowering. Carrieria calycina Carrieria calycina Quercus crassifolia – not looking…

27th December

…buds just breaking. Carrieria calycina Carrieria calycina Mahonia oiwakensis (Crug collection) is nearly over. Wonderful leaf formation. Mahonia oiwakensis Mahonia oiwakensis Mahonia oiwakensis Aralia vietnamensis with one huge leaf on…

7th July

…made enormous growth this year but the foliage remains different to our other 2 older plants. Longer, more pointed leaves which are darker in colour. Carrierea calycina Carrierea calycina 2022…

1st July

…July. It is on the way out I fear. Magnolia ‘Yakeo’ Magnolia ‘Yakeo’ Carrieria calycina is putting on secondary new growth which has a pleasant bronzy tinge initially. Carrieria calycina

19th July

…purplish secondary new growth on Liquidambar calycina. This plant is seriously taking off in its third year from planting out. Liquidambar calycina Liquidambar calycina 2016 – CHW Five hours with…

16th June

…Leaves similar to the one in Kennel Close but not the original and older one. Carrieria calycina Carrieria calycina We missed this tree holly with Tom the other day below…